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Why should I practice Yoga in October?

The Autumn Equinox fell on Saturday 23rd September; marking the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn. On this day, the hours of light (day) and dark (night) are of equal length, nature's reminder for us to restore balance.

A change in season can evoke many emotions in us, I wonder how it would feel to follow nature's example rather than fight it... Could the longer nights be an invitation to slow down?

As we move into Autumn, the season when trees begin to shed their leaves and remind us to let go, I wonder what could you release that is no longer serving you? What would you like to welcome into that space? As always, this month I have a range of mindfulness offerings to support your wellbeing.

Mindful Yoga Flow Classes in Hassocks

The weekly Mindful Yoga Flow classes in Hassocks at Profiles Studio from 9 - 10 am. These yoga sessions are suitable for all levels and are a very popular class.

Please continue to book in advance via email to You are welcome to book all four Mindful Yoga Flow classes in October for the discounted price of £35.

To book individual sessions on a weekly basis, the cost is £10 per person.

Meditation Mail

The Meditation Mail subscription gives you a new mindfulness practice each week encouraging you to make time for yourself to rest.

For just £5 a month, you receive a 15-minute video or audio meditation direct to your inbox every Tuesday morning.

Meditation Mail sessions can include: guided relaxation, gentle movement, visualisations, journalling practices and breathwork. Find out more about the benefits of breathing mindfully.

Parent and Child Yoga

Saturday 21st October 2 - 2.45 pm at Profiles Studio in Hassocks.

Rest and relax with your child in this friendly, explorative Yoga-inspired class. Parent and Child Yoga classes give you the opportunity to connect with your little one through yoga-based movement, guided relaxation and child-friendly breathing exercises.

These classes are best suited to children aged 4 - 9 years old. £15 per pair. Please email to book your place.

What about Retreats in Sussex?

The Winter Wellness Weekend Retreat is now fully booked. Ylva and I looking at new venues and options to bring you another wonderful weekend of yoga, relaxation and community in the new year.

I am so very very excited and honoured to be working with The City Girl Network and their brilliant new Rural Sussex Girl group. This is a community created to bring women in rural areas of Sussex together. By connecting with like-minded people we can find a sense of belonging and it is so special to be a part of it! Our Autumnal Bloom Retreat afternoon has already sold out, along with the December Yoga and Coffee Morning. However, we've just opened bookings for the November Saturday Slumber; an afternoon of creative rest with a local artist Love Art Studios.

Saturday Slumber: 2 - 4 pm. Saturday 4th November Profiles Studio, Hassocks

Rest: A guided meditation taking you into a deep state of relaxation from which you can regather not just your thoughts, but your energy too

Reset: A gentle and slow yoga practice to softly wake up and revive you so you feel ready to return to the outside world

Create: A fun creative session where you get to print your own tote bag! We will have a variety of lino cut shapes for you to choose from as well as colours. Our professional artist team will guide you through colour choices and design As always, snacks and chats are included!

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